C.O.C. is an exclusive combination of chemical odor neutralizers and natural absorbents in a ready-to-use formula to deodorize insulation, wall cavities, ceiling voids and more. Effective against sewage, putrefaction, and more.
This commercial-strength long-lasting dry deodorizer is effective against odors caused by sewage, smoke, decay, putrefaction, and more.
C.O.C. is a blend of odor control essential oils and evaporative control agents that are immobilized on a solid, absorbent supporting crystal. When C.O.C. is exposed, its time release formulation allows odor control agents to get into the air.
C.O.C. can be used in several different ways:
•Sprinkle across the floor to control odor over wide areas throughout a building
•Place into the air handling system of an HVAC system to reduce odor within that system
•Insert into difficult to reach areas such as insulation, attics and crawl spaces, and above suspended ceilings
1 Gallon Jar (3.75 litre Jar)
Mixing: None required.
Application: Place open container in affected area, or sprinkle as needed. Useful in deodorizing insulation, wall cavities, and ceiling voids. See label for additional instructions.
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Learn more about Microban | Odorx | Unsmoke | ProRestore